Game Selection

Sunday, May 22, 2011

DoTA LoD OMG Killer builds

Do you want the best skill combinations for DoTA LOD?
Well it’s your lucky day! You came to the right place.

The List:

Damage Mass:
------------ MELEE
#1 - Empower,Morph, Overpower and Grow (Preferbly on Rooftrellen)
#2 - Tidebringer, Empower, Devour/Command Aura + Crit and Grow (Cleave Build, two E hotkeys however)
#3 - Refraction, Jinada, Empowering Haste and Nether Strike
#4 - Refraction, Empower, Tidebringer and Vendetta

------------ RANGE
#1 - Jinada, Morph, Devour/Command Aura + Crit and Grow (Double Critical)
#2 - Refraction, Devour/Command Aura + Crit, Morph and Grow
#3 - Empowering Haste, Devour/Command Aura + Crit, Morph and Grow

Armour Reduction: (RANGE ONLY)
------------ RANGE
#1 - Meld, Empowering Haste, Ensnare and Amplify Damage
#2 - Meld, Gush, Presence of the Dark Lord and Amplify Damage (Along with Desolator and Assault Curiass it is the heaviest possible Armour reduction build)
#3 - Gush, Empowering Haste, Devour/Command Aura + Crit and Amplify Damage
#4 - Gush, Timelock, Empowering Haste and Amplify Damage
#5 - Gush, Presence of the Dark Lord, Empowering Haste and Amplify Damage

------------ MELEE
#1 - Mirror Image, Juxtapose, Frostmourne and Rupture
#2 - Mirror Image, Juxtapose, Reality Rift and Viper Strike (Two R hotkeys)

------------ RANGE
#1 - Mirror Image, Juxtapose, Ensare and Amplify Damage
#2 - Mirror Image, Conjure Image, Ensnare and Amplify Damage
#3 - Mirror Image, Conjure Image, Juxtapose and Rupture (Two R hotkeys)
Fast Damage:
------------ MELEE
#1 - Frostmourne, Empower, Timelock and Shapeshift (Two E hotkeys)
#2 - Fury Swipes, Feast, Timelock and Shadow Dance
#3 - Fury Swipes, Timelock, Empower and Shadow Dance
#4 - Fury Swipes, Overcharge, Timelock and Shadow Dance
#5 - Morph, Overpower, Empower and Grow (Preferbly on Rooftrellen)

------------ RANGE
#1 - Overpower, Backstab, Windwalk/Blink and Marksmanship
#2 - Overpower, Morph, Backstab and Marksmanship
#3 - Fury Swipes, Timelock, Geminate Attack and Marksmanship (Passives)
#4 - Overpower, Timelock, Ensare and Grow
#5 - Overpower, Arcane Orb, Essence Aura and Permanent Invisiblity
#6 - Overpower, Take Aim, Psi Blades/Windwalk/Blink and Impetus
#7 - Beserkers Blood, Feast, Overcharge and Marksmanship

===============================================NUK ING:
===============================================Dam age:

#1 - Dragon Tail, Maeldict, Windwalk/Blink and Laguna Blade or Death Ward
#2 - Dragon Tail, Maeldict, Decripfiy and Laguna Blade
#3 - Dragon Tail, Maeldict, Magic Missile and Laguna Blade
#4 - Waveform, Hoofstomp, Double Edge and Viper Strike
#5 - Meat Hook, Double Edge, Hoof Stomp and Culling Blade

------------RANGE + MELEE

#1 - Decripify, Maeldict, Windwalk/Blink and Laguna Blade
#2 - Maeldict, Fissure, Storm Bolt and Permanent Invisiblity
#3 - Shadow Poison, Quill Spray, Essence Aura and Ball Lightning
#4 - Magic Missile, Maeldict, Windwalk/Blink and Viper Strike
#5 - Sticky Napalm, Essence Aura, Blink and Pulse Nova (Preferbly on Ogre Magi)
#6 - Homing Missile, Strgwyr's Thirst, Global Teleport and Assassinate (Preferbly on Warlock for it's good int/str stats)
#7 - Waveform, Stormbolt, Fissure and Epic Centre

Pure Tanks:
#1 - Backtrack, Blur, Morph and Great Fortitude/Reincarnation
#2 - Bristleback, Blur, Morph and Greatfortitude/Reincarnation
#3 - Repel, Blur, Bristleback and Reincarnation
Damage Tanks:
#1 - Morph, Return, Dispersion and Great Fortitude/Burrowed Time/Reincarnation
#2 - Counter Helix, Bloodbath, Bristleback and Burrowed Time/Reincarnation
#3 - Sticky Napalm, Essence Aura, Blink and Pulse Nova (Use with Ogre Magi or any other high str/int heros)
#4 - Counter Helix, Return, Bristleback and Great Fortitude/Burrowed Time/Reincarnation

#1 - Global Teleport, Meat Hook, Land Mines and Nether Swap
#2 - Land Mines, Stasis Trap, Vaccum and Remote Mines
#3 - Quill Spray, Shadow Poison, Essence Aura and Ball Lightning
#4 - Bloodrage, Toss, Nightmare and Sunder (Teamkill build, two T hotkeys)
#5 - Morph, Backstab, Overcharge and Marksmanship (Morph str to agility)
#6 - Bladefury, Rot, Empowering Haste and Reverse Polarity
#7 - Tidebringer, Empower, Great Cleave and Grow (185% cleave without battlefuries)
#8 - Thunderclap, Degen Aura, Blink and Eye of the Storm

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Warcraft Binders Gold

If you are playing Binders on Warcraft 3 and you’re wondering how the other players are getting all those hard binds during the early part of the game.
Then you haven’t read this article yet.

Yes, there is an easy way to get gold from binders.
The secret is easy.

At the start of the game you need to secure 8 pieces of lumber.

You go to the shop at your base and purchase an item named Red Pocket.

After each round is over and you have returned to base do not waste time waiting for the next round to start.

Click the attack button and start attacking your pet. You should get a sufficient amount of gold each time you do this.

Just continue this until you are satisfied with the gold that you have.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bleach vs OnePiece Secret heroes

Did you know about the secret characters on Bleach vs Onepiece?

Yes, there are secret characters on that Warcraft 3 map namely Uchiha Sasuke, Squall Lionheart, Cloud Strife, Aizen Sousuke and many more.
How to get Sasuke Uchiha?
How to get Squall and Aizen?

If you think there’s a cheat on how to get them well… There’s really no such thing.
You can only get the characters above by chance and the most common would be Uchiha Sasuke at the rate of 20% for a 3 versus 3 game.
You have 2 chances per game. To try your luck at the start of the game you need to type:
If you don’t get any of them on the first try.
Wait for the other players to pick first before trying again by typing:

The chances may vary depending on how many players are involved and on which map you are playing.

  • Bleach vs One Piece v2.08b = Has a high chance to get Sasuke and Squall
  • Bleach vs One Piece v2.09b = Lowest Chance to get all secret characters but Aizen comes up more often than the others.
  • Bleach vs One Piece v2.11b = High chance to get Squall, Medium chance for the others and a very low chance to get Cloud.

If you don’t believe this article then feel free to try the map on Single player and add some AI while testing the map.
If you have discovered an easier way to get the secret characters then feel free to post a comment to help the other players enjoy the game.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Binders List Of Combination - Complete

Binders Combine guide (ClicK CTRL - F For A Quick Search)
Map Version: Binders v3.0 (Final).w3x
Download URL:

Binders Combine guide (ClicK CTRL - F For A Quick Search)

Level 2 Binds:

  • Basic Fighter * 3 = Militia Commander

Level 4 Binds:

  • Militia Commander * 2 = Secret Spy

Level 5 Binds:

  • Dire Wolf + Steel Golem = Armored Wolf
  • Disciple of Fire + Secret Spy = Bat Flame
  • Knight + Magician = Battlemage
  • Dire Wolf + Mystical Eye = Big Bear
  • Horse + Steel Golem = Bird Man
  • Disciple of Fire + Hazardous Chemical = Burning Spill
  • Horse + Knight = Cavalry
  • Mystical Eye + Sea Lord = Chaos Crab
  • Dire Wolf + Knight = Chaos Knight
  • Horse + Magician = Conjuror
  • Hazardous Chemical + Steel Golem = Deformed Golem
  • Dire Wolf + Magician  = Druid
  • Horse + Marine  = Dyrad
  • Magician + Marine  = Electric Mage
  • Mystical Eye + Secret Spy  = Elemental Revenant
  • Knight + Secret Spy  = Elite Knight
  • Mystical Eye * 3  = Eye of Chaos
  • Disciple of Fire + Knight = Fighter of the Flame
  • Disciple of Fire + Dire Wolf = Fire Seer
  • Disciple of Fire + Horse = Flame Cavalry
  • Disciple of Fire + Steel Golem = Flaming Golem
  • Sea Lord + Steel Golem  = Giant Jungle Beast
  • Hazardous Chemical + Sea Lord = Hydra
  • Hazardous Chemical + Marine  = Hydralisk
  • Hazardous Chemical + Secret Spy = Infected Drake
  • Magician + Mystical Eye = Mage of the Wilds
  • Disciple of Fire + Magician = Magical Fire Breathing Dragon
  • Horse + Mystical Eye  = Magical Sheep
  • Magician + Steel Golem = Mana Golem
  • Knight + Marine = Mechanical Knight
  • Hazardous Chemical + Horse = Mutant Horse
  • Marine + Sea Lord = Naga Archer
  • Knight + Sea Lord = Naga Myrmidon
  • Hazardous Chemical + Magician = Necromancer
  • Dire Wolf + Marine = Night Rider
  • Mystical Eye + Steel Golem = Plated Ogre
  • Disciple of Fire + Mystical Eye = Projectile of the Sun
  • Marine + Steel Golem = Rock Blaster
  • Dire Wolf + Horse = Satyr
  • Horse + Sea Lord  = Sea Horse
  • Dire Wolf + Sea Lord  = Sea Wolf
  • Marine + Mystical Eye  = Siege Tank
  • Magician + Sea Lord  = Siren
  • Hazardous Chemical + Knight  = Skeletal Knight
  • Dire Wolf + Secret Spy = Skink
  • Disciple of Fire + Sea Lord = Steam Being
  • Knight + Steel Golem  = Stone Man
  • Magician + Secret Spy = Strange Magician
  • Disciple of Fire + Marine  = Terran Firebat
  • Hazardous Chemical + Mystical Eye = The Forgotten One
  • Knight + Mystical Eye = Warrior of the Wilds
  • Marine + Secret Spy = Wyvern
  • Dire Wolf + Hazardous Chemical = Zergling
  • Secret Spy * 3 = hypeX

Level 6 Binds:

  • Necromancer + Secret Spy ................................= Banshee
  • Eye of Chaos + Hydra .........................................= Chaos Hydra
  • Dyrad + Satyr ......................................................= Cow Man
  • Chaos Knight + Skeletal Knight .........................= Death Knight
  • Elemental Revenant + Skeletal Knight .............= Death Revenant
  • Magical Sheep*2 + Secret Spy ...........................= Denjira - Master of Sheep
  • Druid + Hydralisk ................................................= Draenei Magician
  • Druid + Elemental Revenant ..............................= Earth Revenant
  • Battlemage + Stone Man .....................................= Elite Warrior
  • Rock Blaster + Terran Firebat ...........................= Fire Truck
  • Elemental Revenant + Flaming Golem .............= Flame Revenant
  • Burning Spill + Sea Wolf ......................................= Flaming Makrura
  • Mage of the Wilds + Warrior of the Wilds .........= Force of Nature
  • Deformed Golem + Electric Mage ......................= Frankenstein
  • Giant Jungle Beast + Hydra ................................= Giant Spider
  • Satyr + Secret Spy ................................................= Gryphon
  • Cavalry + Warrior of the Wilds ...........................= Holy Knight
  • Infected Drake + Wyvern ....................................= Infected Wyvern
  • Terran Firebat + Zergling ....................................= Infested Terran
  • Magical Sheep*2 + Mutant Horse .......................= Kirby64
  • Basic Fighter + Projectile of the Sun + Warrior of the Wilds................= Kyonite (END BIND)
  • Mana Golem + Necromancer ...............................= Lich
  • Conjuror + Skink ....................................................= Magical Lizard
  • Chaos Crab + Siege Tank ......................................= Mechanical Mammoth
  • Naga Archer + Naga Myrmidon ...........................= Naga Lord
  • Night Rider + Secret Spy .......................................= Night Shadow
  • Electric Mage + Plated Ogre ..................................= Ogre Rider
  • Bat Flame + Bird Man .............................................= Pyromancer Wyvern
  • Mechanical Knight + Sea Horse ..............................= Rusty Machinery
  • Big Bear + Mystical Eye ...........................................= Sand Beast
  • Elemental Revenant + Sea Horse ...........................= Sea Revenant
  • Elite Knight + Infected Drake .................................= Skeletal Warrior
  • Magical Fire Breathing Dragon + Mystical Eye ....= Sky Dragon
  • Dyrad + Secret Spy ..................................................= Spirit of Nature
  • Electric Mage + Elemental Revenant ....................= Storm Revenant
  • Dyrad + Giant Jungle Beast ....................................= Troll
  • Armored Wolf + Steam Being = ..............................Tuskarr Zombie
  • Plated Ogre*2 = ........................................................Two-Headed Ogre
  • Elemantal Revenant + Siren ...................................= Undead Siren
  • Fire Seer + Strange Magician .................................= Warlock
  • Hydralisk + The Forgotten .....................................=Zerg Cerebrate

Level 7 Binds:

  • Gryphon + Pyromancer Wyvern .............= Burning Royal Bird (END BIND)
  • Eye of Chaos + Troll ...................................= Crazy Voodoo Troll (END BIND)
  • Elite Warrior + Mechanical Mammoth ....= Destroyer Magnataur (END BIND)
  • Fire Truck + Rusty Machinery .................= Doom Tank (END BIND)
  • Fighter of the Flame + Flame Cavalry + Projectile of the Sun...= Flame Lord (END BIND)
  • Tuskarr Zombie + Warlock .......................= Hell Walker
  • Eye of Chaos + Magical Fire Breathing Dragon = Lord of Destruction
  • Flaming Makrura + Ogre Rider ................= Magnificant (END BIND)
  • Eye of Chaos + Flaming Golem .................= Master of Pain
  • Force of Nature + Spirit of Nature ...........= Nature (END BIND)
  • Chaos Crab + Projectile of the Sun ...........= NewbieNub (END BIND)
  • Eye of Chaos + Necromancer ....................= Queen of Torment
  • Magical Lizard + Sand Beast .....................= Sand Devorour (END BIND)
  • Troll + Undead Siren ..................................= Spirit of Doom (END BIND)
  • Death Knight + Holy Knight ......................= Supreme Knight (END BIND)
  • Frankenstein + Holy Knight ......................= The Incredible Hulk (END BIND)
  • Banshee + Skeletal Warrior .......................= Undead Guardian
  • Infected Wyvern + Sky Dragon .............= Undead Lord of Dragon (END BIND)
  • Draenei Magician + Lich .........................= Underworld Conjuror (END BIND)
  • Banshee + Night Shadow ............................= Vengeance

Level 8 Binds:

  • Giant Spider + Lich ......................................= Crypt Lord (END BIND)
  • Master of Pain + Vengeance .......................= Demon Lord (END BIND)
  • Cow Man + Two-Headed Ogre ...................= Milka Revenge (END BIND)
  • Elite Warrior + Tuskarr Zombie .................= Xantrax (END BIND)
  • Denjira - Master of Sheep + Sky Dragon ...= [w]In[D] (END BIND)

Level 9 Binds:

  • Mechanical Mammoth + Infected Wyvern = Balerius (END BIND)
  • Chaos Hydra*2 ...............................................= JellyFIsh (END BIND)
  • Denjira - Master of Sheep + Kirby64 ..........= ShrooMs (END BIND)
  • Eye of Chaos + Kirby64 .................................= YOoYOo (END BIND)

Level 10 Binds:

  • Hell Walker + Queen of Torment .................= MaGic (END BIND)
  • Hydralisk + Infested Terran*2 + Zerg Cerebrate + Zergling .....= The Overmind (END BIND)
  • Death Knight + Frankenstein + Naga Lord ..............= Vespa (END BIND)

Level 11 Binds:

  • Lord of Destruction + Master of Pain + Queen of Torment = Blue_fir3 the Uber (END BIND)
  • Lord of Destruction + Undead Guardian .....................................= Quanyang (END BIND)

Level 12 Binds:

Death Revenant + Earth Revenant + Flame Revenant + Sea Revenant + Storm Revenant
= Mask of the Element

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